About Us

The White Pine Association is a not for profit organization located in the heart of Koasek historic territory. The White Pine Association is dedicated to preservation of the history, culture and languages of the Abenaki people and assisting the Koasek and other historic bands of the Abenaki Nation in their mission of preservation, education, health and healing.
The White Pine is made up of trustees who are Abenaki Tribal Citizens and Non-Native people who are members of the community of Wells River, Newbury, Haverhill, NH or have a commitment of to the region and the mission of the White Pine Association.
The White Pine has successfully established a language program of the endangered Abenaki language and is freely giving the language back to the enrolled citizens of the Koasek, Missisquoi/Sokoki St. Francis band, Nulhegan Band and El Nu Tribe via a website hosting audio files and pdf files of the dictionary of the Stephen Laurent and Jesuit Aubrey translation of the Abenaki Language. We are continuing the language preservation mission with a goal of eventually hosting language immersion programs.
The White Pine Association is also re-establishing our ancient flint corn which was gifted back to us in 2006 by Charlie and Sarah Calley. This amazing corn was grown by the Abenaki in the Koas Meadows on both sides of the CT river in the areas now known as Newbury Vermont and Haverhill New Hampshire.
The White Pine Association is presently working in preservation of the history of the Koas Meadows and establishing a Cultural Center to celebrate our Abenaki history along with the history of other nationalities of people/other nationalities who have settled in the Koas Meadow Region ( Newbury VT and Haverhill, NH). We thank all those who have supported our efforts over the last two years and look forward to working with all in the future.
It is with Great pleasure and pride we give to you, the enrolled citizens of the Abenaki Nation your language to learn, copy and preserve forever, for your own use and for the next generations!