White Pine Association
Dedicated to preservation of the history, culture and languages of the Abenaki people and assisting the Koasek and other historic bands of the Abenaki Nation in their mission of preservation, education, health and healing.
Latest News
Mike Fenn Benefit
Local resident and tribal member, Mike Fenn age 28 and father of two has recently been diagnosed with brain cancer. On April 30, 2011 5PM there will be a Benefit Dinner for Mike and his family which will be held at the Middle School in North Haverhill NH. A $15.00 donation at the door for dinner is recommended.Dinner will be catered by the Little Grill.
At the dinner there will be a Chinese Auction and Super Raffle with a $1000.00 grand prize.
The White Pine Association has set in place a Mike Fenn Donation at the Wells River Bank. Just send checks payable to White Pine Association, Put MIKE FENN FUND in memo and send to Wells River Savings Bank 34 Main Street North PO Box 645 Wells River, VT 05081-0645.
But most of all send prayers.
Thank you White Pine Association Board of Directors