White Pine Association
Recent News

Encampment Lake Champlain Maritime Museum
Native American EncampmentMembers of the Elnu and Missisquoi Abenaki tribes, the Nulhegan Band of the Coosuk and Koasek Traditional Band of the Koas Abenaki Nation will gather will gather at Lake Champlain Maritime Museum for the annual celebration of the region’s...
Towns to Honor and Celebrate their 250th Anniversary
Newbury, Vermont and Haverhill, New Hampshire will be celebrating the birth of their towns in a year long active celebration throughout the year of 2013. Whereas, Newbury and Haverhill see themselves as one large community the two will be setting full calendars to...
White Pine Association intiatives in preserving the old ways
The White pine association has decided that, in concordance with initiatives elsewhere in the Abenaki Alliance to follow more closely the old ways. Therefore, this summer we are planning on converting our former “Office” into a longhouse, so that ceremony and...
Recognition of the Koasek Abenaki of the Koas
Vermont House of Representative Kate Web has just informed us that the Koasek recognition bill is “on the wall” of the House. This means that the bill, which was officially “read” this legislative session, is in line to be taken up at the beginning of the 2012...
Mike Fenn Benefit
Local resident and tribal member, Mike Fenn age 28 and father of two has recently been diagnosed with brain cancer. On April 30, 2011 5PM there will be a Benefit Dinner for Mike and his family which will be held at the Middle School in North Haverhill NH. A $15.00...
Loss of dear friend and advocate
The Ellen L. Lutz Indigenous Rights Award and Fund The international Indigenous rights organization Cultural Survival announces the creation of the Ellen L. Lutz Indigenous Rights Fund and Award, in honor of its former executive director, who died on November 4, after...
A Brief History:From the Koas Meadows to You Today
A Brief History: From the Koas Meadows to You Today Koas pgs 2nd proof
News from Indian Country
Announcement of US support for the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Initiatives to promote the government-to-government relationship and improve the lives of indigenous peoples Story Published: Dec 22, 2010 Story Updated: Dec 22, 2010 I....
Update on DNA testing results
Dr Schurr contacted us to day, Decemeber 21,2010 to ask us to let all those who took part in the DNA know they will be sending out results to you about your Mnt DNA testing via Mail and Email in the next few days. Also the Y DNA testing on males will be sent to you by...
The White Pine Association and the Koasek Abenaki now have a new telephone contact number If you need to reach us by phone Please call us at 802-280-8070